
By bananablip


OK, I know it was a Tuesday but today was a good day of sabbath rest. I took a day of annual leave and it was utterly delightful and utterly restorative. 

I'm sure we all do this: when time off is limited, we tend to try and cram it full of activity (see my example yesterday. Why do one form of physical activity when you could do three?) and so time off never actually ends up being particularly restful. Today was bliss. I had nothing planned and so was able to read my book at leisure, clean the house and have a long walk, exploring some new (to me) local footpaths. I didn't try to cram my time with activity and I didn't fill my head with work. 

During June I'm going to have lots of extra time as my period of furlough begins. I realised today that this may be the only time in my adult life where I will have a complete month off work (until retirement, obvs) and so I intend to use it wisely, knowing that I'll possibly never have an opportunity like it again.  

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