
By CharlotteJ


Not being controversial.....flags are very emotive subjects and especially this flag.....Its flying high in the neighbouring village.

Shame its now linked to nasty people (although I am sure the person flying the flag is not nasty!).

I found this poem (change every so slightly):
It's tattooed on the arm of the racist
It's worn on the boxers of the thug
It's associated with violence
And the boys from the football club

St. George's cross
Because we'll never get it back again
St. George's cross
Because we'll never get it back again

Wrapped up in our banner
Treating it like a holy text
An excuse to shut their minds up
And keep their muscles flexed
And like the boys at the back
Who got detention for all the class
They've ruined it for everyone else
And turned everything on it's arse bottom!

Thank you for all your kind comments over the last few days - I am back to my positive self. Hubby told me off for being grumpy and I have until 5pm to be Mrs Positive again. work and a small health issue got a little on top but all superduper now that I have a week booked off in July and a week booked off in September and if I am really lukcy I may have four days off in March :)

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