
By CharlotteJ

Uh Oh??

Beautiful day here today, the sun is up the birds are tweeting, I went for a run and beat my time and then it was time for gardening.
Had a nice cuppa and sausage roll on the patio with sun on face, feels almost spring like.

Anyway, was getting on nicely with the gardening but somehow I managed to get my feet tangled on a buried Christmas lights wire that I forgot was there and timber down I came putting all my weight on to my wrist and forearm. I did yelp! Then promptly felt sick and dizzy.....Chris came to my rescue pretty darn quickly!
Long and short no major injury just sprained wrist / painful forearm; I can't squeeze anything but nothing broken.
Could have been a whole lot worse - the rake was not that far from me!!
So, I have been told to rest (that's incredibly hard for me). Rugby is about to start which means I will catch up on some reading that is long over due!

Much love to you all

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