I never promised you ....

A rose garden?

The truth?

I think all right thinking people can agree that the last shred of this country’s dignity evaporated the moment an unelected bureaucrat swaggered to a cheap fold up table in the garden of Downing Street - 30 minutes late, because he is such an effing diva - to face the press. The absolute state of this country when that rat faced arse, a genius in the minds of the cognitively impaired alone, is afforded this much attention for his nonsense.

The PM is only living up to his usual level of fuckwittery, but every minister who has gone on TV to re-write the rules retrospectively, like none of us is capable of remembering facts from as much as two months ago, should slink into a corner and stay there forever.

There is a moment in Blackadder where Edmund has been caught red handed, and is asked if he can explain himself. After a very long pause he suddenly smiles as he realises that he can fabricate a story which while obviously lies, does appear to fit the known and indisputable facts.

At least that was funny. This will cost lives. The government advice will be widely ignored now, and people will die - unnecessarily.

I despise them and everything they stand for.

I’m sure a majority of 80 means they will get away with this, and return to remaking this country in their own nasty image, but hopefully there will be a reckoning one day.

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