Final Fling

A final, fantastic fling from these poppies! No wind or storms forecast so hopefully they’ll keep blooming for a wee while longer, bringing a welcome dash of colour to this corner of the allotments.
It was almost scorchio today, certainly if you were working away like me. Transplanted some coriander and rocket seedlings from among the first early spuds then shored them up; moved the bottle cloches from the kale to cover a few struggling or pest-ravaged broccoli seedlings; staked up newly emerged peas and runner beans; cleared the last died-back daffs and hyacinths from around the fig tree; gave everything a really good watering, especially the berry patch which was becoming desert-like; weeded, always weeding; walked home, fell asleep in the chair.
Watched the latest Killing Eve tonight, the writers have got their mojo back! Then the first couple of episodes of Upload, not bad but the jury’s still out on that one.

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