Looking towards the ......
....... Surrey Hills!
I went for a stroll and took this blip on the way. Beautiful weather again today. As I returned home , the petrol station being empty , tho' I didn't really need petrol, I took the advantage or filling the P/ tank. Suitable masked and gloved I completed the operation. ( credit card was disinfected after use) . Almost home and I noticed the blinds were up at the Hairdressers , on stopping the car outside the proprietor and her mother came out and explained re opening etc . I was informed that there will be a supply of masks and gloves for the clients and the stylists will also have them to hand and if any client would rather come to the salon when no one is there then the stylist of your choice would willingly see the client individually. Wow, what service I was so impressed. I must say the salon has always been scrupulously clean the manager was always so hot on this. But obviously being closed for 12 weeks it must have been dusty at the least , again they were hot on this. I wish them well in the future.
Having pricked out a few Sunflower plants I delivered them to my friend ( left on door step) . Then had the inches of dust removed from the car as the washer was open , so that's a " good job jobbed". I'm now having a cuppa it's much too hot for me outside.
Hope everyone has had a good day , stay safe.
Grateful ...... for another glorious day
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