Puzzle or .....
...... what!
Thought this was an interesting blip. Pareidolia I think had been mentioned by certain blippers , is it an Elephants head you see with an empty eye socket. Or maybe an Elephants foot ? Whatever you see this is my effort for today.
My guardian angels have been here again this pm, this time The Rev replaced a broken post on the fence whilst KJD had instructions to paint the outside of the summer house , I can't thank them enough. All done without me asking or even knowing what they intended to do , just said we'll be up at 2pm.
I've been busy with household chores all morning , then a pile of ironing done and a large Chilli made ( for the freezer in portions) . The watering is the next to be done then I think I'll be able to sit down.
Stay safe everyone hope you've had a good day
Grateful ....... as always to the magnificent Rev family. Thank you so much.
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