
By seddon

Happy should have been going to Devon day!

We would have been off to Devon today if it hadn't been for corona virus.
Instead, we did pe with Joe and Thomas did some of the BBC bitesize games as schoolwork.
When Ben came downstairs his finger was no better, so mum came and took him to A&E.
Turns out he's chipped a bone, but should be all good, he's just got to keep it strapped up.
We had a chilled afternoon, Chloe has been in a ridiculously grumpy mood today!
Another BBQ picnic tea in the last of the days sunshine. She demanded a bath as soon as she'd finished her tea, and fell asleep on my knee drinking her milk, which she's not done since she was tiny!!
Thomas had a game of fifa over the xbox with uncle sam before he had a shower and went to bed.

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