Shaggy Dog Story.

Groom day today. 

I took Bella for a quick walk before her appointment at the groomers. With the new Covid guidelines, I wasn't able to go in with her. Bella isn't keen on the groomers and we changed who we use last time and I was able to stay with her. 

As soon as Jo appeared at the car, Bella started shaking. She then refused to go to Jo and Ihad to put Jo's own lead round her neck. She's used to a harness!! She then pulled and pulled like a trapped animal and Jo had to pick her up and carry her. I felt like an awful mother leaving her child at nursery against their will!!!!!

2 and a half hours later, Jo called to say she was ready but hadn't managed a full groom as she had to take her time. She asked me to come back next week to do Bellas ears and Muzzle. So thats more stress for us both but she was pretty shattered by the end of it all so she may well not have tolerated much more.

We then had a quiet afternoon at home before our family Zoom Memory game. Always alot of fun.

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