Baby squirrel in the wild

We decided to get out early this morning before the weekend crowds. We were out of the door by 7.30 and the blip was in the can by 8.00am. We were walking along Caring Road when Susan spotted this young squirrel in the hedgerow. (S)he sat quite still for what seemed ages while I faffed around with the camera adjusting this and that to be able to focus in on the subject, have enough light and fast enough shutter speed. Very obliging! It's not very often I am able to blip wildlife in the wild - and squirrels do seem two-a-penny on blip! But it's what you're getting today!

We were home around 10.00am for breakfast and a more relaxing day than we might have had if we were planning to go out later. We'll do the same tomorrow, perhaps a bit earlier. It was lovely, cool and sunny first thing and people who were out and about seemed much more friendly.

Susan cracked her iPhone screen when it dropped onto the patio this afternoon. So that took a bit of time to find a repairer. We've booked a local company who will come out and repair it at your home, observing all the social distancing rules.

We are having another Joe Wicks recipe tonight - his Bangin' Chicken Balti. Meanwhile some tea cakes and muffins, both made using sourdough starter are having their first proving. This is by way of an experiment to make teacakes using sourdough starter.

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