By lizzie_birkett

Not A Lot Done!

This is Gordon's boat the elderly man at the end. It looks like an old boat but it's not that old. The engine room is slap bang in the middle of the boat. 
Gordon painted the typical narrowboat Castles and Roses pictures on the doors.
The lace edged curtains and pretty nik-naks are evidence of his wife's taste in homely, traditional boat decor. 

Today my plan was to clean the boat inside; I got as far as cleaning the loo and sink and the rest of the day I sat outside - mainly watching the hundreds of tadpoles!

Frank played his fiddle did more sketching.

I did water the garden and made coleslaw for lunch so I wasn't totally lazy!

Easing of lockdown begins tomorrow. Stay safe because not everyone will be sensible and it doesn't mean Covid is gone!
;-| x

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