By lizzie_birkett

The Actual Birthday - but 10 years Older! ;-D))

I thought I was being so organised and clever secretly dashing off in Tesco’s to get candles and sparklers while Sabrina was doing her shopping.
It was only this morning when I was getting the cakes ready that I realised I’d got a No 5 sparkler instead of a 4! I could have sworn I’d picked up the 4!
Anyway, it gave us all a laugh ;-D))

We had a great time with the girls, they were really good for us, we had lots of fun and chats and they were in bed at 8pm.
Sabrina and John arrived back around 2pm and we opened a bottle of pink Prosecco and had the cakes. I didn’t make them myself, I bought Bosh Lemon Cakes as they are yummy and vegan so we could all enjoy them.

We’ve spent the afternoon in the garden eating cake and drinking the Prosecco - beer for the boys and Appletiser for the girls. It’s been lovely and  sunny though a bit on the breezy side.

Now it’s BBQ time again - Johnnie being a Kiwi is the expert at barbies and in his element getting the coals going.

Home tomorrow and making plans for a trip away on the boat as long as there’s no further lock down. 

Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend!
Thanks for all the comments, stars and hearts for Sabrina’s Birthday Blips.

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