living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

Birthday girls!

It's Chickpea's 3d birthday today! Also her good friend A's birthday, too! Daddy brought the kiddos to A's house today for her birthday party and they had a lovely time I hear. Chickpea's official party won't be until Sunday because I wanted to be able to share it with her, too. Lucky girl, getting 2 days of birthday fun and CAKE!

Chickpea at 3--

--Loves jumping, running, dancing and singing!

--Has recently started to be more imaginative-- just a few days ago she was running around in playful distress because there was a monster in the living room.

--Knows the first three letters of her name in order.

--Can sing a lot of songs-- Horsey Horsey, Wheels on the bus, Old Macdonald, Incy Wincy, ABC's, Sticks up High, Soft Kitty... I'm sure there are more...

--Can draw people.

--Has moments of extreme kindness towards her brother which are very sweet.

--Has a lot of friends and loves having fun with them!

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