Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

View from The Snake Pass

I managed to stop in one of the very few places that its possible to pull in safely on the way up The Snake pass this morning.

Then I walked back down a little to get this shot towards Glossop and featuring one of my most blipped areas, Hurst reservoir.

The latest news on Hurst reservoir is that United Utilities staff have discovered why they have been failing to pump it dry. Even when it's not filling with rain or melted snow there is a natural spring within the reservoir area filling it at the same rate they were emptying it. They are obviously going to have to send for a bigger pump and wider piping or maybe there is a clever way to partially demolish the dam bit by bit and let the water spill over like it does at Derwent and Howden ( no I don't think so either )

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