Because this is who I am

By Brighde


Y'know I can throw my toys around, scream at you and kick about the place but no one can change how I feel about you. I love you.

My Johnboy, hes so cute. We went out the other day for a nandos and it was lovely even though it was a shambles because I was ill so I couldnt eat it all, which is rediculous for me.

I like taking pictures of john because he changes a lot, not like a girl where they cut and dye their hair loads but I think his face changes a lot. Depending on what mood he's in create an expression. In this case he was clearly wanting my attention.

This weekend I'm home. Thank god, I'll be sleeping and catching up on everything (yes one of these things is my blip, so stay tuned) which includes coursework and practice exam essays because I've decided to start early for Media because I think I need to get back into my language of it. Where I excel in one subject, I physically fail in the other.

Happy Blipping.

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