Because this is who I am

By Brighde

C'est Moi.

What I ever did before my flash gun I have no idea, who needs a dull day when you can have any lighting you want. Good crack.

I thought I hadn't come along for at least 3 blips so I figured you all missed me. Oh by the way, yes thats a toilet you can see on the floor, also a fabulous GCSE piece I did, very strange when people come over and ask me if I've ever peed in it. I havent.

Other news, me and John are going to London on wednesday. Very very excited, its an art trip which includes a photography expedition, deffos something to be looking forward too.

Yes, okay I'm procrastinating as we speak, I'm supposed to be editing my 3000 word essay but for some reason it isnt grabbing me instantly and dragging it towards me, such like all essays in for tomorrow. Well done brighde, well done.

If you're reading this and thinking you have to get on with something; do it now! Go now!

Happy Blipping.

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