
By seddon


Today we had a very lazy morning in the garden enjoying more of the sunshine.
This afternoon me, Ben and thomas played united monopoly again. Thomas won again. He was so funny, he landed on the free parking space and got £751, he got up ran outside and did laps round the garden cheering!! Once again he didn't need any help with buying and selling and was super proud of himself.
We had a chicken dinner for tea, before bath and bed for thomas and Chloe. Quiz night for me and Ben. We won, with 13/30. The quiz was based on how well do you know me. Turns out we don't know each other very well!!
To be fair I had to change one of my questions 'how many 1st cousins do I have?', because it turned out I didn't actually know the answer, so nobody else stood a chance! (the answer, after a little research, is 24... which to be honest is just ridiculous!!)

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