
By Mindseye

Pretty in pink

Hardly slept at all last night......still awake at 2.30, when hub woke up too, we talked, then decided to make a cuppa....hub went off again around 3.30 I was still awake, think I had 4 hours :-/

Had to be up earlyish as sis was coming over here today at 10.30...... was lovely to see her. She finally saw our new summerhouse and terrace lol.

We sat in the sunshine, socially distanced of course, hub said he hardly recognised sis, with her longer & much lighter hair, lightened by the sun. Sis brought me a piece of gammon as promised.....and my birthday card & a pressie for later in the week ;-)

We had a good ol catch up, the,time just flew by, we had a tuna salad sandwich for lunch. She decided to leave Kobi at home as its been so hot......we had a 2pm Zoom meeting with our Patient Group from our GP practice, so sis headed off just before that.

After the zoom session we headed outside again. I cut back 2 choiysa shrubs that have finished flowering.....so the garden bin is full again! Todays garden blip is one of 4 peonies we have.......this is my favourite. I love its flouncy form and sofy pinks.

We decided to have roast ham for dinner tonight......it was delicious! Jacket potato & salad for me, fried eggs & fries for hub.

It started to cloud over a little late afternoon, but still lovely and warm......hub went to watch the update and I lay down in the sun, not sure how I stayed awake, but I did!

We watched the second Long Lost Families tonight, such a great programme, so moviing!!!

Think we will be in bed by 11 tonight and looks as though we might wake up to rain in the morning......the garden will be happy!

Stay safe x

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