I spy an Iris

A busy ol day today......late to bed, slept an hour longer I think, up and ready just after 9.
Ate my breakfast in the garden before making a start of a few admin tasks I needed to get done.....resisited the temptation to get outside

By mid morning I headed over to M&S for supplies for Friday lunchtime, when middle son DiL and their 2 little ones are visiting.
Managed to purchase a baby gift for a friends daughters new arrival due shortly. Treated myself to a prawn salad for lunch, ate it sat outside again :-). Took todays blip, just a wuick shot of the iberian iris...so,lovely their delicate markings and lilac colour :-)

Next I loaded ip,the car with my gardening gear, too.s and clothes tomchange into. Then drove into town, posted a couple,of letters, bought some sta ps, grabbed a coffee before driving to youv est son a d Dil....to do a couple of hours hard labour in their gardening....hub always commented on how lovely their soil is,.we made inroads....still plenty to do though! Just as we knocked off for dinner, spicy meatballs and gnocchi, the heavens opened and it boun ed down for a good while, however, when I got home, was amazed to see it was dry here! We chatted about hub as usual, he is constantly in our thoughts :-) I finally gave DiL her birthday present having ollected it last night, just hope they fit and she likes them!!

Unpacked the car, put the bins out, got changed, made myself a brew and cufht up with various people on social media etc.
Our neighbours have invited to to join the, for lunch on Saturday which will be lovely, not seen them for a little enile, as they have both been feeling under the weather.

Hope you're all enjoying the beautiful weather and staying safe too

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