Dr Jones

By jones

Get well soon biscuits

I did sleep very well last night and kept waking up and then staying awake. I was woken up at 8am and I decided that I wouldn’t go for a run as it was too late. Another full day of marking. Penny received a lovely box of biscuits sent by Helena’s family. A handmade ‘first aid’ box filled with handmade chocolate biscuits decorated as medical equipment.
I was meant to go out and sit by the river with a bottle of fizz with my friends tonight but Lorna messaged to say that she had a dodgy tummy so we postponed. It’s a shame really as the weather is going to change tomorrow and the weather was beautiful today.
Penny went to the park with her friends and was there all afternoon. She was a bit tired when she got home. It’s the longest she has stay out since she came back from hospital. She said that next time, she will take a chair as she found it quite uncomfortable sitting on the grass for such a long time.

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