River of Flowers

By doffy

Thursday: #30DaysWild Ant Nest ...

... in one of my compost bins. There are holes in the bases of the bins and the ants take over one of the bins every summer, they rear their young and make lovely fine compost for me so I just let them get on with it and I won’t bother them again! Some info - 
There was a very guilty Mr Blackbird sitting on the fence, he’d been digging where the Carder Bees are nesting https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2705516530564595973 - I checked the bees were ok, they were and lots more there now! Replaced the grass cuttings and put another piece of netting over them, Mr Blackbird has plenty of land to scratch in and lots of fruit to eat too!
Apart from above I’ve spent most of the day indoors reading and family history, very cold and showers off and on but not enough to soak the ground :-((
I ordered fish & chips from our local chippy by phone yesterday, MrD went to get them this evening and we really enjoyed them - maybe repeat in couple of weeks!
Stay safe & healthy and happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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