
By seddon

Say cheese

This morning we had a knock on the door at 7.45 to say the telegraph pole on our road needed replacing. So all morning there was a crane parked outside blocking our drive. I let the blinds shut whilst we did pe so the workmen couldn't laugh at us!! Thomas then did some school work, including some research for a family tree. I could do all my mums, bens mums and bens dad's families back as far as our grandparents, but I had to ring mum to double check afew points on my dad's side!! Thomas spoke to nannie who told him her family tree going back 6 generations (she has previously done a lot of research on it!)
Luckily the workmen finished about 20 minutes before I had to take Mika to the vets for his annual booster. Very weird, I had to ring when I arrived and someone met me at the door in mask apron and gloves, took Mika off me, then the vet phoned me whilst I waited in the car. Apparently Mika has put on 300-400g in the last year and is overweight. He's always been a big cat, and isn't eating more than normal and doesn't look fat though. The vet did suggest putting him on a 'light' cat food, but then said it could just be 'middle aged spread' which made me laugh!
This afternoon me and Thomas attempted and failed to finish my Harry Potter jigsaw before tea.
Chloe has learned how to get down off the settee by herself and so now has new game of asking to be lifted up, only to roll onto her tummy and wriggle back off the edge again!
In other news the North of the UKs R (infection spreading) number is above 1, which I'm sure when the government initially talked about easing lockdown had to be below 1, or lockdown would be reimposed...
Tameside schools have delayed the reopening of schools in light of this, but Stockport haven't mentioned anything yet (not that we're sending Thomas back yet anyway)
Today's picture is Thomas and Chloe sat on the settee (Chloe looks HUGE!) saying cheese for their picture to be taken.

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