
By 1bluebell

day 82

blipping late.
I met 2 friends on the river Thames again this morning for coffee (hot chocolate in my case) social distancing. we were chatting away and one friend said look at that fox over there here drinking from the river a long time. When I took a picture I decided it was a cat but they were unsure. Looking at it on the computer it is definitely a cat and he is not drinking but watching something intently in the water. Then the seagulls making quite a din caught ny attention and I have no idea why but 3 of them were dive bombing the cormorant . I had the wrong lens for a ready good shot. (See extra)
The rest of the day was spent indoors moving my sewing machine and equipment into my bedroom. My S-i-L will will be staying with us 3 days a week from next week as he starts a new job in east Sussex repairing sewing machines and learning more on the job and gaining experience. he will be working for the guy he has been doing training with. This guy maintains machines for the V&A so he must think our S-i-L is up to the job
whilst it was a good day it was wet and windy and so cold all day.
thank you for all the visits

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