Half Moon Bay, Heysham

As I think I commented on here recently, the one thing I've really missed is going out for a drink with friends, whether it's a coffee in the morning or beer in the evening. I would also include going for a curry with Dan and Abi, although he is more of a fan of that than she is. I think she enjoys the company but not the spicy food.

It was just me and Dan at the house, today, and I was really in the mood for going for a bite but, of course, that's not currently possible, at least not as far as sitting in a curry house is concerned. Instead, we ordered burritos from the takeaway in Lancaster, drove down to collect them, and then drove out to Half Moon Bay.

We parked up by the café and accepted that the weather was not going to be suitable for eating on the beach, so we sat and ate in the car instead, enjoying the view across the bay despite how overcast it was. Afterwards, we did take a quick walk along the path behind the beach but it was blustery and just coming on to rain so we didn't hang about for long!

-10.8 kgs
Reading: 'Underland' by Robert Macfarlane

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