Pretty ....
..... cottages.
I had to post a letter early this morning so as it was dry I took the advantage of a stroll. Walking on a different side of Wallingham Green I came across these pretty cottages . Tho I can't find much out about them , I've a feeling they date back to the 1700 hundreds . The gables of the cottage on the right ( as you look at it) seem very old , as there was a car in the drive with number plate showing I choose not to blip that . But the White Lion pub a few yards from here has a centre piece of the building dating back to 1457 so the whole area is pretty old . So blip for the day done - - - hope you like it.
Have a good day folks and stay safe.
Grateful .... if we could see a bit of rain for the parched earth, however it would be nice to have it a bit warmer too. Never satisfied us in the UK!!
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