
Today's the day ………………………. to make cordial

It's that special time of year again - when the hedgerows are full of elderflower blossom.

Actually, they're not as full this year as they were last year because farmers round here have been doing quite a lot of hedge trimming recently.  Perhaps they had time to spare in Lockdown?  Anyway, we've managed to find a new supply and Will has been out picking today.  He's going to make elderflower wine and I'm going to make elderflower cordial.

Readers of this journal might remember that I won third prize last summer at the Trap Agricultural Show with my Elderflower Cordial (very chuffed I was) - so I'm hoping that it will be good. 

And if you fancy having a go yourself, here's Mary Berry's foolproof recipe ……………………...

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