By lizzie_birkett

Jerame Reid

I used to volunteer at a charity in Dumfries that supported Syrian refugees who had fled from their war torn country.
It is called MOOL - Massive Outpouring Of Love. It was started after that little Syrian boy was found drowned on the beach.
We used to pack up boxes of donated clothes to send to depots in Lebanon and Calais. Also donated furniture and household goods would be available to anyone who needed it.
The lady who started the charity - Moxie - and her amazing team are dedicated advocates for minority groups and basically anyone who needs help, including local people who have fallen on hard times. (2 of those refugee families now have their own businesses - one a tailor is making scrubs for Dumfries Infirmary and the other has a restuarant :-)
Now Moxie has invited people who care about the 'Black Lives Matter' campaign to sew a patch for the cause. We have each been given the name of a person in the USA who was shot by the police. It's up to each of us to design and sew the patch. When she has recieved them all they will be sewn together to make a quilt which will be on display around Scotland. Fellow Blipper Greengirl has also made one.

The name I was given is Jerame Reid.
He was stopped after going through a red light. The police told him to stay in the car, but he ignored them and got out of the car with his hands up and was shot 6 times. He was unarmed.
Why didn't they just give him a ticket and court or a fine?

Although we now live in Yorkshire, we still have close ties with Dumfries where we lived for nigh on 40 years.

This is my small way of protesting without having to go out on the streets during the pandemic. I know many of the demonstrations were peaceful and socially distanced however it only takes one person who is asymptomatic to spread it to one other person.

I don't get how the government is saying at the daily update that the R is below 1 throughout the UK. I've read over the last 3 days that it is more than 1 in the North West of England. In fact my cousin who lives in Manchester told me her Grandkids' return to school has been postponed due to the rise.
It is misleading and giving out the message that we are beating this virus quicker than we actually are. :-/

Anyway, we're going to watch the BBC drama - Sitting in Limbo - about a Windrush man who faces deportation.

Stay safe :-) x

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