Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Went to the Buttermere end of Crummock Water this morning.  The walk was cut very short though as a sign on a gate said the footpath was closed due to ground nesting birds.   So back to the car after Misty had her playtime in the water and went to Rannerdale where she very kindly posed for me amongst the numerous Foxgloves with Whiteless Pike in the background.  Later on I bumped into a fellow blipper... DerwentLass and Ray, so good to have a catch up with them.  Afterwards I noticed there were reflections in Crummock so went for a short walk by the lake where I met a lady I know with a gorgeous Retriever.   Another in extras of Mellbreak reflections.  Back home and the neighbour's dog came running over to say hello.  She's so super fast!  She's starting to jump up at Misty now and amazingly Misty just lets her do it.  Her back legs are a bit stiff tonight.  It takes six weeks for the supplement to work apparently. 

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