Weather Donkey's Warning

You may call me weather vane,
but weather cock, I'm not,
or call me weather donkey, if you like.

But when my nose and arrow
point to W for Wonky,
never go out riding on your bike.

Thanks to Laurie for hosting the Mono Monday Challenge.

Went to the dentist today, had an Xray and a discussion of what might be done in due course WHEN they have all the PPE they need. It was all the same lovely people, but I still found the experience depressing (after paying over phone in advance to avoid contamination):
1. Enter premises.
2. Place handbag in box by door. (Make mental note to take no handbag next time.)
3. Apply hand sanitiser.
4. Put on mask provided.
5. Sit on solo chair surrounded by red tape on floor (in case it moves?)
6. Gaze at empty picture hooks on bare walls.
7. Enter surgery.
8. Swill liquid that tastes of bleach around mouth until spitoon offered (c 60 seconds, I guess).
9. Have Xray taken.
10. Discuss options, straining to hear dentist through her mask behind her plastic battle-screen.

I'm not looking forward to the treatment, but it'll be a few weeks before they have yet further armour supplies, such as to be safe to proceed. Meanwhile, I have to decide which procedure to opt for and start saving. Probably a post and crown.

Please note: I'm not complaining. They have to do what they have to do, and I don't wish anyone to become ill. But the whole experience, less than half an hour, has left me feeling so despondent. (Up till now, with sunshine and lovely walks, and staying at home, I think I've been in denial of what the future holds.) Sigh ...

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