Tongland Abbey diggers

Today's the day ………………………. for exciting news

This picture arrived in my inbox this morning from David, who was in charge of the Tongland Abbey Archaeological Dig last summer.  That's me with my marigolds on - completely absorbed in what I was doing.

The reason he sent to me was to ask if it was alright to use it on a couple of websites that were about to advertise forthcoming on-line sessions about archaeology in Scotland.  Of course, I was delighted to say that it would be fine.

But, the even better news is that - with a bit of thoughtful planning to ensure that social distancing and safe working conditions are in place - the Tongland Dig is going to start next week.  The new trenches have already been dug and are just in the process of being made safe.  

Isn't that just the best news ……………………..?!  

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