Sweet Mama
This lady has a brood of 7 little ones and she is so good at protecting them from all the dangers in the marsh. The male Wood Duck may get all the "oohs" and "aahs" but I think she is such a beauty to her. This is the same duck that was chased by the Mute swan cob a couple of days ago.
Well....he was back. She was up on shore with the ducklings and then along came trouble. She gathered her young and quickly made for the reeds. Humans on the beach scattered, too, as he came out of the water, looking quite menacing (see extra as he walked past me). He made me smile as he is a force to be reckoned with!
The geese all scattered but he kept going right into the lake. He went into "motorboat" mode and went after another Mute Swan that I did not even see originally. When the other swan realized that he was the source of annoyance, he quickly took off. Phew!
Drama over....for today.
Happy Hump Day, everyone!!
D x
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