Say Cheese
Down at the marsh again. It is closer to my home so handy for an early morning walk and a late evening walk. Perfect.
It was a little 'slow' and very hot so I had decided to make the trek back to the car when I spotted a bird flying in to land near me. In extras, you will see the bird that I was thrilled to see! Not often that one will hang around long enough for me to photograph it.
However, as I was trying to jockey into a better position to get a clear shot of the heron, I saw a dark shape walk past me. Startled me as my first thought was that it was a bear....a cub, perhaps...but a bear. Nope. Just a friendly neighbourhood beaver that I have often photographed in the water. I was shocked by the sheer size of it. It was too close to get a photo (literally, I could have touched his back as he walked by!). I did not want to move to get a photo as I did not want to startle the Green Heron. Choices, choices.....
As I was sneaking up on the heron by walking across a fallen log, up popped this guy to check me out. Is it my imagination or is that a little cheeky smile? Smiling for the camera perhaps...or laughing at me balancing on the log ;)
Fun times!
D x
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