My " up north " ....
.... Daughter!
It's C birthday today , she's nearly as old as me now " I'm 38 and she's 35 years old" , what's that you say - - in your dreams ! - - . Still you're as old as you feel , so we just get on with it and enjoy life.
C's girls had worked so hard for her : the room was decorated / cake was made and her youngest daughter had made her a cocktail , bless her , I hope they have a great day together . So pleased to see C looking happy also.
The weather is rather dull we've had a few heavy showers too so that must have helped the gardens.
Went to shop at the Co op at 7.30am ( appointed time!) sadly there shelves were depleted , I have been going on a Wednesday that seemed to be ok but Thursday didn't prove fruitful for me. Never mind I'm sure I'll live and not starve ??
Have got to deliver some notes to a friend now and according to the weather as to me cutting the outside of the hedge . If that doesn't happen then there's ironing to be done and some washing too.
So stay safe and have a great day blip friends.
Grateful ..... to be able to share a few minutes on Face Time with my daughter on her birthday.
P. S. I'm really sad that this " black life's matter thing " has got soo out of hand . Of course they do BUT ALL life's matter , my friend ( who's skin happens to be black) is absolutely appalled at the behaviour that is being displayed.
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