Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Town dander

We took a walk down town, just for a dander, but also, by the by, to get a coffee and pastry at Prêt. And to complain in person that their website info was wrong on Sunday. 

There are a couple of coffee shops open just the other side of the Meadows, with plenty of low walls to sit on, so on days when I can’t manage into town (to get my £1 cofee) we could stop there. I do need a couple of sit downs, and the bench on the Mound is handy. It’s in the sun, and the view is great - the impressive Church of Scotland building looming on the horizon. You can see the newly cut grass, and we spotted the remote grass cutter that Archie barked at the other day, stuck in a corner, its work done.

Our treats purchased, we went to sit in the East Gardens and admire the grass (it’s been MUD since they took the Christmas stuff down), but all the benches were full, so we sat on the steps. Once revived - though the coffee didn’t seem to reach my knees this time - we walked through West Princes Street Gardens. The floral clock is almost completed (Extra). The fountain is still not founting. Why not?

I timed my arrival at the bus stop, and the others walked home over the Meadows. It was a sunny day, but jings, the wind was brisk. 

While listening to my audio book, David Nott performed the difficult operation and saved a life in Aleppo. It was the same injury that Princess Diana died of.  What if...

He’s a strange shape because of the wide angle lens

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