Playing with JimBob

Can't help but love this dog even more each day. He certainly keeps us on our toes it has to be said, but he returns all that aggro with such affection. What's not to love about this animal?

Decided to spend an hour or so playing with him this afternoon, and knowing how much he hates/loves bikes I got my wife's bike out of the shed and rode it round the garden. He just loves keeping up trying to bite my feet as I peddle. No idea what he's getting out of it, but he enjoys it! (Even if my toes do get nipped).

Fell asleep on the sofa last night with my foot on his head. Apparently, he looked at my wife with some look to say "I really want to get up, but he's asleep and his foot is on my head". He patiently waited for 2 hours before I took my foot off him.

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