
By MumOf4Wildlings

A happy Friday

This morning Harp got her stookie off and had her first bath in 6 weeks. She is still refusing to stand on her feet and keeps on crying, which is difficult to see. I'm hoping that by tomorrow she will try and weight bear, but today she has spent most of her time on the sofa unless I carry her to another room. The doctor said it could take a couple of day's .

The bigger boy's have had a good day and actually got on well together most of today. So that's been a mega bonus. They are also getting me to draw them cartoon characters for them to colour in. I'm not great at art but I love the fact that children think anything is amazing.

This afternoon I had a lovely catch up with my friend, and she brought me round another coffee. I'm so lucky to have someone like her in my life as she's so sociable too and we miss human interaction. We both have partners who are introverts and can be a little quiet.

It has been quite a good day for Xander as I haven't put any demands on him except to get dressed and to tidy his toy's away. He has PDA traits ( pathological demand avoidance) so even a simple demand like get your toothbrush can be too much for him. But I find if it's a laid back kind of day it's easier on us all which is so good .

I hope everyone has had a good day . Happy weekend blip friends. X

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