
The husband is despondent.  The next stage of the garden fence has been fighting back and he hadn't got anywhere near as far as he wanted to and is being hard on himself about the whole thing.  He's done an amazing job, but in his head, not enough.  To me, by 6pm I had well and truly had enough of the banging that had gone on all day (as I'm sure the neighbours had as well!) 

The eldest has been itching to help me paint the front door, I on the other hand have been itching to do it without him as painting a front door with the help of a (just turned) 5 year old hasn't been filling me with much joy.  However, we hunkered down, he was shown exactly how to paint, the youngest got his paints out and painted a couple of flattened cardboard boxes laid out by the door. Amazingly, it all went well, and I stayed sane!  A bath was needed after the event and I will need to explain to school why he has quite so much grey paint on him... 

I took the youngest out on his bike this afternoon, he's upgraded himself to his brothers bike, it didn't go down terribly well it has to be said! 

Work tomorrow, it seems to come around so very fast each weekend! 

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