
Sometimes it's hard to analyse things because there are too many variables, too much noise. However, the lockdown has provided an opportunity to see our lives against a much more settled backdrop. Many people are furloughed and for weeks we could barely leave our homes. There's no commuting, no cinema trips, no going for meals or drinks with friends. 

And yet I've spoken to a few friends that have cautiously admitted to enjoying the change. In fact, putting the uncertainty to one side, there are aspects of the lockdown that I've enjoyed, too. The time at home and with the kids, the quiet roads for walking and running, and even some aspects of not travelling for work. The biggest downside has been not being with the Minx.

Yet against this constant, settled backdrop, it's interesting to watch my mood and those of the people around me. Some days, for no particular reason, I feel quite happy in the lockdown experience and other days it really chafes. It would have been interesting to keep a diary of my feelings.

Dan and I were talking about this, today, when we went out for our walk. When he doesn't have online lessons - both with school and the RNCM - he spends most of his time practising his guitar and bass, and his playing is even better than it was before. Some days he is quite happy doing this - he's a cheerful housemate - but today I think both of us were missing the old normal. 

-11.9 kgs
Reading: 'Underland' by Robert Macfarlane

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