Small but perfectly formed ..
I picked a few broad beans for Mum this morning while on the plot, my first stop of the day. It's hubby's 76th birthday so thought I should make an effort to be home more than away today. I might need to spend all day on the plot tomorrow to recharge .... Phew!!! But first I weeded and titivated around the tomato plants, giving them a little treat, bank up the well rooted manure around the base of the plants. I removed the corrugated plastic wind break. It's time to toughen up ... I did the same with the Japanese squash. I was thinking I might have to brush up on my Japanese language to give words of encouragement, not needed. Every day I have to tie them in .. I'm now thinking I could run out of trellis at the rate they are growing. Yesterday's prototype bird scarer needed tweaking, I fortunately had my hairdressing/sewing scissors in the car so a quick snip, midi, becoming mini, plus removal of lining, should make the difference. I cut the stinging nettles & added them with the grass cuttings to the composter. Jobs completed, conscious of the time, I nipped to Spar grabbed a newspaper, plus a pack of combs, next stop Mum's. She'd already lugged the garden waste bin out for collection so haircut for Mum, Indie, Mum's dog wondering what the hell was going on .. Breakfast on hold ... Routine! Routine! Routine!! She's a dog of habit .. I cut Mum's hair. Back home by 10am. Phew!
Happy birthday darling!!
LOL!! Too old to change .. Love him!
I needed to do the Camelia cuttings for Jodie, then got side tracked, pricked out the Aquilegia seedlings, potted some succulents up into proper terracotta pots, planted out the everlasting sweet peas, moved the beautiful Dierama that Nicky gave me last year. I'm sure she told me the blooms were an apricot colour. Pink, they're pink, they needed to be elsewhere in the garden. They look much happier in their new location, & I'm happier too. I dragged myself away from the greenhouse.
Hubby made lunch .. I know it's his birthday, but he was itching for me to sort out his "new" phone ..... What an afternoon! I don't really know what I'm doing ... we have'nt killed each other .. well, it is his birthday. Not sure we have resolved all the hiccups but enough for one day. He went off to have a birthday drink with his friends, SD'ed obviously. I opened a cider just a little before cider o'clock.Silver surfers? Give me a big rolling wave any day.
Time to make dinner.
No broad beans here ... .they need another week.
Thanks to trisharooni for hosting Tiny Tuesday .. this weeks subject 'Vegetables'
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