Hubby's birthday today ...
An early start on the plot, planted out another row of broad beans, shooed the b@@@y pheasants off a few times, they're eating the young tips out of my sweetcorn plants, so that was my next job, netting the corn & sunflower plants. A bit of a fiddle trying to place nylon netting over bamboo canes but I did it after a bit of tweaking, if the pheasants increase in numbers, then most of the crops will need netting. I must try and get some lightweight rigid frames made up so I can just plonk them over a crop. Easier to manoueuvre, & access the crops. I watered everything on the plot, then made my way up to town to buy hubby a card from the post office. I could'nt find a card with suitable words so choose a 7years of age card and tweaked that. I think Tweak could be middle name ... I seem to do a lot of it. :-D
Walked Indie on Knighton heath where I got today's Wide Wednesday blip - Reflection. A reflection in the water trough. Perfect! Back to base, Mum was doing a bit of tidying in the garden, the central bed that I attacked earlier in the year removing the rotten Mountain Ash stump is looking very colourful. Many of the hardy plants in Mum's garden were throw outs from my garden centre days, nearly 20 years ago. I got Mum's shopping list, off to the Coop, dropping in to pick up a redundant sun lounger from my hospital buddy, Rebecca, we were going through cancer treatment at the same time, both of us now fighting fit, thankfully. We had quite a chat, her life has changed a lot in the last 10 months, new fella, engaged, daughter moved home ... I feel so happy for her, & she is so happy too. Hubby will be happy with the sun lounger too hopefully. Her fella has requested a rhubarb, Turkish delight, & pistachio cheesecake for his birthday, so I've promised to drop off some rhubarb from my allotment on Friday. I've got post it's everywhere as I'm bound to forget otherwise. Coop shop done.
Mum came up to Chudleigh to watch the horse racing from Ascot. Hubby's idea, then he remembered he was meeting his mates at the pub, so it was just Mum & I, when he returned I made Thai pork noodle soup for dinner. His birthday request. :-D
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Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting Wide Wednesday - Reflections
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