A small bridge to nowhere...

To nowhere? It takes you to the other side, doesn't it? :)

A difficult decision today between two images I really liked. This one made it.

Last night I went to a Celtic party at a friend of mine's. She is from Galicia, where there's a strong Celtic connection. One of the traditions they have is to make a "queimada", a rather strong alcoholic drink, which is burnt until most of the alcohol is gone. While the "queimada" is burning, typically a witch's spell is recited. This spell will confer special powers to the drink itself and to the people who drink it. The spell was first read in Galician by three Galician girls and afterwards in English by me, because nobody else volunteered. I tried to make it sound as dramatic as possible, but I'm not too sure if it had that effect, haha!

Anyway, I had a great time in the party, mostly populated by Spanish people, but with a few English, Irish and Scottish folk as well. I drank a fair amount of wine but, strangely enough, I didn't have a hangover today. Could it be because of my long walk home because I couldn't get a taxi? Could it be the result of the Witch's spell? Who knows...

I didn't stay long because I had a few things to catch up with today, one of them being a cake I have to finish for tomorrow. I will be doing that just now, so I'll try and catch up with you later.

Back to work tomorrow..

Thanks very much for all your nice comments, stars and hearts on my blip yesterday! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! :)

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