
By LyndyH

This old tree

This old tree is one of many on a walk that I have named 'By the Hall'.

Harris enjoyed our walk this morning. The wind was up and this seemed to make him frisky.

I park by the derelict gatehouse (which is undergoing renovation at the moment) and walk through the grounds alongside a ruinous Hall dating back to 1611.

I enjoy this walk for the magnificent old trees contained within the grounds and also the cows, bullocks and sheep that are often grazed there (but sadly not at the moment).

I was musing this morning on how important the daily walks are for Little Man. As an old dog with dementia he needs these walks to stimulate his mind as well as the exercise to keep those old bones moving. Even though when he's fast asleep at home (which he invariably is now) and waking him up to go out walking seems a cruel thing to do, I remind myself that it is these daily excursions that are helping to keep him going.

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