
By TBay

After the rain.

I have to say this could be the perfect rose! Well it is to me. We have had quite a bit of rain but a little more is needed and I think we may get a bit more over the next few days. The garden is really looking very nice this year and I am especially pleased with the veg department (see extras) . I have over the past years been thwarted by Rabbits. This is the first time I have been able to grow veg with confidence that my furry little friends will not eat everything in sight for three years. However my other furry little friend aka Pip did have a go at destroying a tomato plant and a tub of carrots when she felt these were the two best places to bury her morning treat. I was not amused!

Farming - Two on compost hauling. The Mr Tbays were busy with general maintenance around the place. 

I have been busy constructing a family tree for a friend which was his 80th birthday present. I have had a bit of spare time thanks to the lockdown situation so I have almost completed it. 

Grrrrr. I am having to go back to a higher dose of steroids to get the Polymyalgia Rheumatica under control as I have had a relapse. I was so near coming off the tablets altogether and now its a big step back. However if it removes the pain that will be good. A most annoying condition which does stop me from doing some things when it is bad. Hey ho, better times ahead I hope. 

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