Dartmoor today
Dartmoor National Park is right on my doorstep but was completely covered in a blanket of cloud when I looked across from the plot this morning, but that was where I thought I might head for today's blip challenge set by freyjad later if the skies brightened, & they did.
I was alone on the plot for the first 2 hours ... Where was everybody??? I was'nt there as early this morning either. I weeded & hoed some of the beds, then pulled up the purpler flowered broad bean plants. They were smothered in black fly, I've sprayed them with soapy water a number of times but no improvement, the beans were'nt forming ... Make room for another crop. The plants went in the composter. Rhubarb, peas, beetroot, & courgettes from the plot today. So rewarding. The lining removed from the 2020 bird scarer, was cut into strips tied on a length of garden twine, then hung between two hazel sticks to assist in preventing the birds from eating the blackcurrants that are ripening nicely. I chatted with a few neighbours when they arrived. Richard is starting some leek seed for me .. I've started 2 lots with no success. His are up already. Can't think what I'm doing wrong. Wilko's seed. It has a guarantee. I should let Richard have it & see if he can get it germinated.
Home to Mr K lol!! I like that! I noticed the Breast Cancer bags were out for collection. I packed two bags with the Ikea bag "flytip" contents that I retrieved, & cleaned. Job done. I did a few jobs out in the garden including replacing the hanging basket that has been outside the front door since last Autumn. A Heuchera 'Palace Purple', a variegated ivy, & Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola'. They've done a great job. The 'Summer' basket has red begonia, a red flowered Salvia, & Chiastophyllum oppositifolium -It looks a bit oriental. Can't want for it to fill out a bit more. Jobs done, I asked My K if he fancied a trip up onto the moor for me to take some photos. The sun was shining here ... begrudgingly we headed off. I don't know why I asked him to go, he criticized my driving the whole journey. This mare & foal, being overseen by a very protective stallion were at my first stop. We moved on up to the car park at the top opposite Hay Tor rock, a few people around but not too many. I walked up to the tor. The views are amazing up there. A a few mares and their foals grazing at the roadside. 954sq km and they need to graze roadside. A couple of very smart looking Cheviot ewes with their Iambs were heading down towards the car park, some cattle around as well. All looking good. I need to start walking up there again. It's beautiful, whatever the weather.
Back home, lunch, then I did some sewing. Two pairs of trousers taken up for Mum. Then the ironing. :- (
Time to make dinner.
Thank you for hubby's birthday wishes, all duly passed on. xx
Thanks to freyjad for hosting Wide Wednesday - garden/park/animals
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