
By SadlerStar

Poppies again

I am afraid it’s poppies again because this plant has been so prolific this year and is putting on the very best show. The sun was behind them early this morning which gives the slightly mystical look. Also, we didn’t take any other photos today!

We seemed to escape the rain and although we did see some very dark clouds at times the day was largely a very sunny one.

This weekend we enter phase 5 of rules for coming out of lockdown. The queues will end and we will be able to shop easily as before this arrived to our part of the world. There is one more stage to go but I don’t think that will happen any time soon. People can travel in and out but must self isolate for 14 days if they do.

As we read about Beijing it’s clear this whole sad affair is far from over around the world.

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