Concert Day

This is what a concert looks like in a pandemic. It belies the fact that today she played a very prestigious, live concert for several hundred people. From her living room, with a physical audience of only Mama and B. She didn't once even see the people she was talking to on camera as I had the screen for running the tech!  

She was absolutely beautiful. Her programme was half an hour long and she did a fantastic job - including showing exceptional professionalism when her bassoon was being uncooperative for one piece. Her closing performance of Song of The Birds took my breath away. She also remained composed in a challenging and unprepared Q&A session, looking and sounding thoughtful and articulate. Monkey even made an appearance at the end! 

I've added a couple of extras from the concert, of my view and of her lovely buddy watching her from Oxford and an extra of the glorious time that she had playing in the woods with some friends from church today while I was working before the concert. 

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