Mixed Messages, London

My first day back at work since mid March and it was a shock to the system. I had to leave the house at 6.50 to catch the 7.03 into Victoria (with obligatory face mask, of course). Luckily, the train itself was almost three quarters empty, which was total bliss for me as I hate packed rush hour journeys.
I got into work and down into my studio before 9 o'clock, which was quite good going. Everything felt slightly strange and unfamiliar and it took me a good hour or so to reacquaint myself with the software and my studio camera. I forgot which lead plugged into where!
At lunchtime I went for a walk round Oxford Street (where I took today's extra) and Soho. It was rather desolate and depressing. Lots of shops were still closed and those that were open were doing hardly  any business.
Today's main shot was taken in Soho - I just really liked the mixed messages and different typefaces. The title also refers to my boss. When I told him I would be in today he sent me an e-mail saying he was looking forward to seeing me but when I got in I was told he wasn't even at work today! Uknown to me he was also slagging me off to two of my fellow photographers while I was off with my bad back - how nice of him!!!
Maybe if more people gave kind a try the world would be in a much better place. Talking of kind, my brother picked me up from West Malling on the way home and I was so glad to see him (I couldn't of got through lockdown without him) . Come on Friday, come on the wine!

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