
By MumOf4Wildlings

Not a selfie.

My friend and her son came round today and sat on my porch for a catch up. Oh I needed this today. We can talk for Scotland. Maybe it's a woman thing. Ha.

Today has been a hard day. I wish Xander could tell me what's wrong with him and why he's feeling the way he is. My heart broke earlier when I said to him " Xander what's wrong because you seem to be having a difficult time " and he was like " I don't know why I feel this way and he cried. That's so hard to see as a parent. I gave him a hug but he's always very standoffish and will only hug on his terms.

On a positive note, I have ordered proper art pencils and I had my mother in law and a friend ask me to draw them something today. My mil is going to frame hers . She's probably just being kind.

Happy Friday my blip friends. X

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