
By jennym999

Day 93- Virginia Woolf(1882-1941) and Leonard Woolf(1880-1969)lived in Hogarth House, Paradise Road , Richmond from 1915-1924. During this time they founded the Hogarth Press and published works by Katherine Mansfield and TS Eliot. Virginia may have had bipolar disorder, she was institutionalised several times and attempted suicide at least twice. She died by drowning herself . They were part of the Bloomsbury group. Virginias works included ... To the Lighthouse, Mrs Dalloway and A Room of Ones Own. I’ve passed this house several times on my cycle rides...the first time in early May hence the wisteria flowers then!

- quick visit to Hampton Court gardens which are now open again. Looking very sad as many beds have not been tended for while while at least a third of the gardeners have been furloughed.
- FaceTime with son and family
- tidy up in study and put some old, out of date, science textbooks in the paper bank

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