"ちょっと美人に来て" - Chotto bijin ni kite
roughly translates to "Come on you little beauties". But look at them. I need'nt have bothered with the Japanese Conversation for Dummies as these beauties aka Japanese squash 'Uchiki Kuri' are romping away. I read that they are heavy feeders especially if growing up a trellis, so I've devised a feeding system, I've submerged a large plastic bottle beside the plant, then added some chicken manure pellets, this way each time I water they get a blast of rooster booster. A cunning plan. They'll be on the comfrey tea soon, when I can pluck up enough courage to take the lid off the container where it's been brewing. I've got a feeling I will need to reinforce the support. Monty's structure on Gardener's World last night was twice the height of my structure. I'm using pink baler twine .. pink & green look quite funky together, & I've got lots. Saved from the bin at the Dartmoor Pony Heritage Centre last year before I stepped back from volunteering.
I spent this morning on the plot, firstly tying in the above squash plants, they do have minds of their own. Next I tied in the tomato plants they are looking good and strong. Still got black fly on the runner beans, I might just give them a zap tomorrow. I pulled out another row of broad bean plants that are'nt performing .. Ruthless ... me!
I sorted the Hebes & other shrubs, tidying up the top of the pots, I'm going to contact the town council and ask if I can have a pitch at the Saturday morning market to sell them for Rowcroft Hospice. I hope they say yes, as after tidying them up and split, cleaned, & potted the herbaceous perennials brought back from George & Jean. Anaphalis, Scabious, Monbretia, & Aquilegia potted, Fuchsia cuttings in as well.
Back home, a quick lunch, then I went back out in the garden ..... some deadheading, and tidying before finding plants to fill some gaps.
Time flies when you're having fun .....
Fun over now .. yet more hassle with an app on his phone. Life can be quite testing ...
We're having salmon for dinner. I'm going to bake the baby beets pulled yesterday, bake the salmon, steam the beet leaves and serve with new potatoes.
Thanks to admirer for hosting Silly Saturday .... Silly should possibly be Mad in my case.
See ya!!! Have a good weekend Blippers!
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